First Minister visits Fostering People Scotland
Nicola Sturgeon, First Minister of Scotland attended Fostering People Scotland’s Starfish group to meet with a group of children and young people to hear about their experiences of being Looked After in foster care.
Nicola Sturgeon, First Minister of Scotland attends Fostering People Scotland.
Meeting with Fostering People’s Starfish group to meet with a group of children and young people to hear about their experiences of being Looked After in foster care. The visit formed part of the First Minister’s 1000 Voices campaign where she has pledged to listen to 1000 voices of care experienced people.
11 young people from age 9 up to 16 years spent time talking to the First Minister, sharing their views and experiences. The conversation covered all aspects including the challenges of being placed far from home, education and activities. There was even some discussion about Brexit!
2 of the older young people had prepared letters for the First Minister and they both spent time with her talking about the issues they had highlighted such as additional support for Looked After Young People in foster care and the importance of Continuing Care for young people who want to stay on in their foster placements into adulthood.
The First Minister was very happy to have selfies and photos taken and she also met some of the foster carers at the end of the event and stopped to chat and have photographs with everyone.
The 1000 Voices campaign will feed into the Independent Care Review currently taking place at the moment which is looking at the whole of the care system in Scotland with a view to making this the very best it can be.
It was a brilliant event and opportunity for the young people to have the chance to meet and talk to the First Minister and have their say.