Foster Care Fortnight 2021 #Whywecare
Our foster parents and staff share with us #WhyWeCare this Foster Care Fortnight.
Why We Care is the theme of this year's Foster Care Fortnight.
Foster Care Fortnight runs from the 10th May to 23rd May and highlights the need for foster carers to care for vulnerable children.
Throughout the two-week campaign, at Fostering People we will be sharing a montage of personal reasons why our foster parents and staff to what they do across our social media platforms, to shine a spotlight on the outstanding care our foster parents and staff have continued to deliver throughout the global pandemic.
Our Registered Manager, Oliver Kirkland said "Taking part in this wonderful campaign allows us here at Fostering People to truly celebrate and shine a light on devotion and tremendous work of our foster parents and staff do every day to help the lives of children and young people".