K's fostering story
This witty blog from a bright and insightful teenager in foster care with Fostering People, show just how much fun teenagers are, as K's describes her life and her relationship with her foster parents.
Yes, she’s five foot, yes, she’s a college student, yes, and she’s absolutely hilarious.
It is I, K.
So, here’s my attempt at writing a blog about my life. Not my first choice of subject but oh well. The things you read before are 100% true by the way, along with the fact that, yes, I am a looked after child. I would say that I am perfectly ordinary but I’m not. I am amazing. (In my eyes, anyways.) My life, however, is ordinary. I go to college, I watch TV, I play Xbox (Minecraft mainly), I listen to music. Pretty strange music too, to be honest, I don’t think many people have heard of the Wallows or Lovelytheband or Clairo but if you have then you are immediately placed high in my ranks and you have impeccable taste in music. J So this may be a weird one but I read too! Shock on all of your faces! I’m 16 and I read?! Yes, it’s basically all I do to fill up my spare time. Especially when I’m grounded. Which never happens because I am the embodiment of goodness. Ahem. Moving on swiftly. Among Us! A game I hope many or most of you have played at some point. Again, great taste! Note: Never trust Black or White. Or do. It’s your fate. Back to me talking about myself again (Sorry!) but I have been in care a whole 10 years. Which means I was placed in the system at the ripe old age of 6. Wow. Ten whole years- a decade! Happy anniversary to me! Yes I do actually see this as something to be celebrated because, without it, I would never have found the two moderately average humans who I call my parents. (Hehe) They’re great really. They clothe AND feed me. I’m so lucky! (*clears throat in a serious tone*). No, serious face on now, they honestly are my world and without them I would probably end up like my dear old birth mum. Which, trust me, nobody wants. I was supposed to write a blog about my life but there’s only one way I can describe it. If you would all do me a favour and imagine an average Joe life with holidays and my impish charm mixed in then that’s it. That’s my life. Done. Finito.
Thank you all for reading (*drops mic*)