How to keep yourself safe
It can be difficult to know what to do to keep yourself safe. There is a link to the Child Exploitation and Online Protection agency website (CEOP) below. CEOP provides lots of information that is designed to keep you safe online. This website also has a report button if you are a victim and need help.
Here are a couple of videos from CEOP that highlight the dangers of sharing information and not keeping your profiles secure when using social media.
They are hard-hitting but are designed to make you think and take steps to keep yourself safe.
Video suitable for 14+
Child Sexual Exploitation
CSE is in the news a lot these days, as adults are becoming fully aware of the risks to young people. Below is a very useful video about a young girl who was a victim of CSE. It highlights the danger signs, so you can recognise if all is not right. If you have any worries or concerns, talk to your foster carers / parents. As Fostering People foster carers they have a really good understanding and also have access to support from the agency.
Video suitable for 13+
Need A Bit More Help Or Want To Talk?

New to care? might be feeling nervous, and not know much right now but that’s okay, we’ve got you covered. Download a guide to living in a foster family with Fostering People.
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Have Your Say
Your feedback is important to us and your carers. We use it to help us provide support to your carers and it also goes towards a review that your carers have each year.
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Something Wrong?
There are many reasons you may be unhappy, as it’s not always easy living in a foster family. Let us know if you're concerned about the way that you are being treated.
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Stay Safe Online
It can be difficult to know what to do to keep yourself safe online. Here are some resources for you and your foster family.
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Keep In Touch
Are you someone that used to be in foster care with Fostering People and have now reached independence? We would like to keep in touch with you to find out how things are going now you’re an adult.
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Blogs, Support & News
We care about you and want to provide content that can support you as you work your way through foster care. Whether you're new to care or are worried about something at school, we want to support you.
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