Why foster with Fostering People in the North East?
Fostering People are rated as Outstanding by Ofsted, across all areas of our service and have been since 2013, making us one of the very best independent agencies that you can trust to provide you with the very best support around. Across the North East, 5,350 children are in need of care. We need foster parents who can care for children of all ages.

Can I foster with Fostering People?
We are an inclusive fostering agency, recruiting foster parents from all walks of life. Whatever your age, marital status or sexuality you can be considered for fostering.
As long as you:
- Have a spare bedroom
- Are over the age of 21
- Are able to live and work in the UK - long term
- Have access to your own transport or have excellent public transport locally.
- Have a desire to make a positive difference for children
Then we'd like to hear from you.

Are you an experienced foster carer?
If you're looking to move fostering providers we'd like to hear from you. We'll be happy to talk to you in confidence about the benefits we provide, so you can make a fully informed decision about your options. Because of your experience, we can also offer experienced foster carers a fast-track assessment.
Meet just some of our amazing foster parents

Be prepared for your life to change! You will gain so many new friends and connections in the fostering community which is amazing. It’s not a job, it’s a way of life! There will be ups and downs but it’s the moments where your heart swells through pride and happiness because of the foster children that make it all worth it.
Angela & Chris

We liked the fact that we felt we would not just be a “number” and it had a family feel to the agency. Everyone at Fostering People has been approachable and friendly throughout.
Emma & Mike

I used to be a lorry driver but this is real life. I’m never solitary, I’ve always got company around me. Fostering has fulfilled more than I could have ever expected and wished for. This is exactly what I’ve been missing.
Take your first step to becoming a foster parent today
If you’re interested in becoming a foster parent and would like to learn more, then we’d love to hear from you.
Simply fill in the form below and one of our friendly team will be in touch.
Please make sure you read our terms and conditions because you're agreeing to them by submitting an enquiry. It's also worth reading our privacy notice and cookies policy so you understand how we collect and use your personal data. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.
Download our Fostering Guide for beginners
To find out all you need to know about fostering, the application process and about fostering with Fostering People.
Please make sure you read our terms and conditions because you're agreeing to them by submitting an enquiry. It's also worth reading our privacy notice and cookies policy so you understand how we collect and use your personal data. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.